We’re Tired of the Fitness Industry

January 2013- We remember when we first got into the fitness industry, 2 years ago to be exact. One of our biggest goals was to help as many people as we could. All we wanted to do was prove to people that they could do the most amazing things if they work hard, be consistent, avoid the naysayers, and push … Read More

To Hell and Back…The Story Behind DDT

    September. 2012-   Warning: Before you read this, we want you to understand that we are doing this to show you that we are not perfect in any way, shape or form, we have been down, we faced more than one tragedy, we faced adversity, but most importantly we fought back and saw the light. We hope that … Read More

No Excuses, Only Solutions!

  By Eric and Chris Martinez September. 2012- We often hear so many excuses when it comes to health, fitness, and dieting. We have been hearing these same excuses for years. These excuses, in our minds will never go away. It’s almost like all those BS myths about health and fitness out there, they will never go away. Let us … Read More

Are Vegetarian Diets Optimal For Children’s Health?

By Eric Martinez   January. 2012- When someone says I am a Vegan or Vegetarian, what comes to mind first? Let me guess, a person that doesn’t eat meat right? Well, part of that is true but there are different types of Vegetarians, such as: Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians, Vegans, and Macrobiotic diets. A Lacto-Ovo Vegan doesn’t eat meat or fish but … Read More

Embracing the Journey to Getting Results

  By Chris Martinez October. 2011- What is it about getting results that takes us out of the present? The whole notion of not being attached to results is a very difficult point to achieve and it’s very difficult to not be attached to results because when you’re working hard on something, you want a certain outcome. I think when … Read More

Do We Really Know What The FDA and Government Are Doing With Our Foods?

  By Eric Martinez October. 2011- For quite some time now I’ve wanted to delve in on this topic. I truly believe this is an issue that has been going on for too long and not many people are aware of what’s going on. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and our lovely Federal Government that we all love, two of … Read More

Is It Time For A Change?

By Eric Martinez September 20. 2011- CHANGE, what does this word exactly mean to each individual? According to Merriam-Webster.com it means to give a different position, course, direction, or become different. For me change can mean a lot of different things. True change is achieved when we take new actions without having to think about them. Many of us over … Read More