Flexibility & Stretching Tips for Training

By: Eric Martinez August 30, 2010 Flexibility is closely related to strength and posture. Functional Flexibility will create a dynamic three-dimensional active range of motion of body segments for the required motor task. Flexibility is not an end in itself, and flexibility and stretching are not synonymous. Stretching with all its variations is a means of increasing flexibility. There are … Read More

Flexibility & Stretching Tips for Training

By: Eric Martinez August 30, 2010 Flexibility is closely related to strength and posture. Functional Flexibility will create a dynamic three-dimensional active range of motion of body segments for the required motor task. Flexibility is not an end in itself, and flexibility and stretching are not synonymous. Stretching with all its variations is a means of increasing flexibility. There are … Read More

Abs, Abs, and more Abs!

By Eric Martinez January. 15. 2011- Abdominals, one of the most frustrating, but best featured muscles of the human body. We all want those rock hard defined abs come summer, we want to show off all the hard work we’ve done during the off season to confidently take our shirts off. Why are abs so hard to get? Why can’t … Read More

7 Rules of Strength

By Eric Martinez Dec. 10. 2010- Strength, what most people in the weight room overlook. Many people believe they should just train for size, but you really should be trying to maximize your strength week by week in order to eventually increase the size you desire. There are numerous myths, methods, and ways to go about strength training. The three … Read More

10 Dynamic Training Tips

By: Eric Martinez   Nov. 10. 2010- 1.)    Warm-up properly: As you gain experience, your muscles, tendons and ligaments will be subjected to much more stress than when you first started. To reduce the chance of injury, increase your warm-up time proportionally. As you advance from the beginner to intermediate status, three to four light  and medium warm-ups sets of … Read More