18 Nutrition Myths You Want to Know…Allow the Experts to Tell…

By Chris and Eric Martinez February 2014- Please view this short introduction     In case you missed the First installment on 15 Nutrition Myths You Want to Know…Allow the Experts to Tell…   Question: What do you feel is the biggest nutrition myth out there today? (Choose 1 myth and depending on the myth, please state why and how it affects … Read More

15 Nutrition Myths You Want to Know…Allow the Experts to Tell

By Chris and Eric Martinez March 2013- Please view this short introduction     Question: What do you feel is the biggest nutrition myth out there today? (Choose 1 myth and depending on the myth, please state why and how it affects people and what can they do to stray away from it?)   Jacob Wilson- One of the biggest myths … Read More

Want to Learn How to Squat? Let’s ask the experts how it’s done…

By Chris and Eric Martinez December 2012- Please view introduction Question: So we basically have 3 classifications when it comes to the squat, these being: A- Full range of motion squats (ass to grass) B- Parallel squats (Knee joint horizontally aligned with the hip joint) and C- Partial squats (quarter squats). For the first question, where do you think each … Read More