Nicole’s huge transformation brings her back happiness, confidence, and a return to the figure stage.










How’s it going ladies and gents! Today I am excited to share my client and friend, Nicole Gengaro’s 53-week fitness journey.

Nicole had a rough past experience within her fitness journey. She competed in the past on a rigid cookie cutter diet and had a bad experience within her show recovery and reverse diet.

She gained a significant amount of weight back, developed poor relationships with food, and lost a lot of her happiness and confidence.

One of her main goals, when she came to me, was to develop sound habits within training and nutrition, improve her relationships with food, get her confidence and happiness back, hit the stage again, and keep the weight off for good.

In 53 weeks, we accomplished all of that!

What an honor it was to coach her and be a part of her journey. Nicole was such a Rockstar the entire time, followed the game plan, trusted me, never complained and or made excuses, and worked her ass off.

I couldn’t be more proud of Nicole and can’t thank her enough for allowing me to be part of the ride 🙂

-Coach Chris  


Week 1-

174.6 pounds

2,150 calories

Waist circumference 35 inches



Week 53-

122.8 pounds

1,000 calories

Waist circumference 27 inches





See what Nicole has to say about her 53 week fitness journey …








If You Would Like To Learn More About Our Services and How We Can Design You a Individualized Training Program Along With a Flexible Nutrition Program Around Your Goals, Schedule, Preferences, Etc. Please Visit Us HERE Or Contact Us HERE For a FREE Phone Consultation.