Lauren’s Journey Dropping 12 Pounds in 20 Weeks for Vacation



Hey there ladies and gentleman!  I am excited to share my client and friend, Lauren Kelly’s success story with you. Lauren has been a client of mine for the past 3 years! This time around Lauren needed me for some accountability, extra pair of eyes, and a solid game plan to nail her 20-week goal for vacation and to look amazing in her bikini 😊

I love when my past clients reach out to me and ask me to be a part of their next journey and set of goals in fitness. I have no doubt Lauren could have done this herself after working with me for 3 years and gaining so much knowledge and confidence.

But the cool thing is Lauren wanted another non-biased eye and accountability to ensure she reached her goal and in a healthy manner. I respect Lauren for this because I am the same way when I set strict fitness goals, there is nothing wrong for asking for help and guidance.



After 20 Weeks:

  • She lost 12 lbs
  • She lost 3 inches off her waist and 5 inches off her hips
  • She kept the majority of her strength
  • She increased some muscle mass all around
  • She never had to restrict the foods she liked
  • She gained more knowledge with exercise and nutrition
  • She is more of a badass 😉


It has been an honor coaching Lauren and I am extremely proud of her and being part of her journey. We make a great team and she kicked ass!

-Coach Eric



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