Journalism Major Becomes Nationally Qualified NPC bikini competitor & sponsored athlete- Interview with Brittany Lesser



DDT: Could you give us a little background info on who Brittany Lesser is?

Brittany: I am currently a Nationally Qualified NPC bikini competitor & sponsored athlete, a personal trainer/online coach, a youtuber/blogger, and a social media project manager.


DDT: What got you inspired and into the fitness-health industry?

Brittany: I have always been active and loved working out but never took it seriously or was really a part of any specific type of sport. Something drastic happened when I went away to college and I was partying a lot and felt like I didn’t have a path in life. I completely changed my mindset and I started researching about health and fitness and started getting interested in learning everything I could about it all. I initially got into long distance running because I wanted to compete in something and challenge myself. I enjoyed it, but it certainly led me down a bad path of restrictive eating and trying to get a skinny as possible. Once I realized what I was going to my body, I saw a picture of competitors such as Jamie Eason and I knew I wanted to look like that. I started weight lifting and completely fell in love – it changed my life for the better, physically and mentally.


DDT: Can you tell us about your experience with your Bikini competitions and any tips for a first time competitor?

Brittany: I had a wonderful experience at my first show (I’ve only competed once) and I know it was because I had a great coach, a great mindset, and did it for the right reasons. I put my ALL into my prep, and I enjoyed it every step of the way and it paid off because I won 1st place at my very first show and qualified for nationals. My main tip would be those 3 things I mentioned that made my experience so great: 1. Find a great coach that allows flexibility, customizes your plan, and puts your health as their top priority. 2. Make sure you love yourself as you are right now before you compete. Having a bad body image and getting into competing because you don’t like how you look will most likely backfire. 3. Compete for the right reasons like wanting a challenge, like wanting to take your fitness and/or physique to the next level, wanting to prove to yourself you can do something that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. And most of all have FUN! Yes, competing and prep is hard but no one makes you do it. It should be something that you enjoy because it can be extremely rewarding.


DDT: You are a sponsored athlete by Pardomas, can you give us a bit more info on what a sponsored athlete does for this company?

Brittany: Pardomas actually hasn’t officially launched just yet, but big things are in the works. Right now, the athletes are mostly available to companies in the fitness industry for modeling and sponsorship opportunities. The Pardomas not only does photography and video, but also marketing to benefit companies on more than one level. Many more things are in the works, so stay tuned!


DDT: You have a BS in Health Education, where did you go to school and what intrigued you to pick that major?

Brittany: University of Florida – Go Gators! I was actually a Journalism major my first two years of college because I wanted to write about health and fitness, or work in the media somehow involving health and fitness. When I truly thought about it, I realized my true passion was health and fitness, and I knew I could still write and work in the media without that specific degree, so I switched and I’m very happy with that decision. I currently do both, which is exactly what I wanted, but I have much more knowledge about health and fitness.


DDT: Can you tell us what your daily rituals and habits look like?

Brittany: Every day is completely different for me. I’m actually currently in a full-time internship (finishing my degree), so I am working here as well as all of my other current jobs. As of right now, I wake up at 5am, get ready & get to my internship at 7 and work till 3. I then work out immediately after and get my lift/cardio in. I then come home and work on my social media, online coaching, blogging, and youtube and then go to bed. And repeat the next day!


 DDT: At times life throws challenges at you to test your mental toughness and heart as a person. What has been your biggest challenge in life and how did you overcome it?

Brittany: Despite the healthy lifestyle I live, I’ve had to deal with a lot of health issues. From disordered eating & anxiety, to GI issues dealing with IBS, having my gallbladder out, and being told I had a tumor in my colon. It was a very tough couple of years when all of this was happening, but I surprisingly took it very well. I knew that everything would work out the way it was supposed to, and I could use my story to help others, which is exactly what I strive to do every day.


DDT: What are your future plans with competing and other areas of interest?

Brittany: I am currently prepping for my next show and plan to do quite a few shows this year and hopefully a national show as well! I am very excited to get on stage again. I also want to continue to grow in all aspects of my life – my business, as a person, as an athlete, etc. I have a lot of ideas floating in my mind, so those will certainly be put to action 🙂


DDT: What is your definition of SUCCESS?

Brittany: Success to me is setting a personal goal and achieving it, regardless of what happens along the way. As long as you achieve the things you set out to do and continue to improve, that is what it means to be successful.


Fun Time!


DDT: What is your favorite lift and why?

Brittany: I would have to say deadlifts. I always feel like a badass when I do them! I feel strong and they certainly work my entire body.


DDT: Where is your one travel destination that you would want to go to?

Brittany: Oh man, I literally want to travel the world so this is a hard question. Anywhere in Europe honestly, because they culture is just amazing. I’d probably have to choose Paris or Rome first! (I’m so indecisive).


DDT: Your favorite book?

Brittany: I love reading, so this is tough too! I’m currently reading “You Are A Badass” and I’m loving it so far.



DDT: What does Brittany like to do for fun? Please don’t hold back on us 😉

Brittany: Most of the time I am super busy and I truly do find blogging and youtube fun, but when I have free time I love to do anything outdoors. I just move to Colorado, so I’ve been going to different areas and exploring! Hiking, snowboarding, anything!



DDT: We wanted to take a moment and acknowledge you for all the awesome work you do in this industry and you are a true inspiration. Where can our readers and supporters follow you and your work?

Thank you so much, that honestly means the world to me.








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