DDT: Could you give us a little background info on who Kai Elle is?
Kai: I am a recording artist, healer, and yoga teacher.
DDT: We want you to travel back a couple years ago and we want you to tell our audience what sparked you to start your path on becoming a Yoga instructor?
Kai: I would suffer from terrible anxiety and depression but when I did yoga I immediately felt calm and happy which then helped me stay focused on creating music.
DDT: What specific type of Yoga do you emphasize in?
Kai: Hatha Yoga which is the most widely practiced form of yoga in America. It is the branch of yoga which concentrates on physical health and mental wellbeing. Hatha yoga uses bodily postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation (dyana) with the goal of bringing about a sound, healthy body and a clear, peaceful mind.
DDT: You mentioned that you love to combine creative sequencing, a spirit of playfulness and inspiration to help people deepen their practice as well as bestow fundamental knowledge of yoga philosophy? Why’s this so important in today’s society?
Kai: I think it keeps it very engaging and stimulating. My goal as a teacher is not only to help you with a good practice but have a profound experience as well. It is important for people to understand that within themselves are the tools for happiness, peace and fulfillment, we do not need to seek outwardly to achieve harmony within.
DDT: A lot of our readers and supporters are into weight training, can you tell us how doing yoga can accommodate weight training? If so, what type and how many days per week?
Kai: It is the perfect counter to weight training because it creates a balanced exercise regime. Weight training focuses on muscle building which leads to tightening, while yoga works towards lengthening and stretching out tight muscles. Minimum twice a week, but eventually a daily practice. It also calms the nervous system.
DDT: What Kind of Yoga would you recommend for beginners?
Kai: There are many kinds of yoga that may spark beginner’s interest. I recommend Hatha yoga because it’s a general introduction to many kinds of postures, breathing and meditation. But more importantly I recommend a private lesson with a teacher. This way you have a fundamental understanding of how good it is for you and how much it can help you for the rest of your life. With this understanding you can enjoy a lifelong practice and skip any initial confusion.
DDT: Where do you see Yoga going in the next 2-5 years?
Kai: It’s already global and a massively expanding industry. I would love to see it linked to pretty much every school, government and corporation. It is a practice of peace and health as well as self-realization and the whole world benefits from such a gentle discipline!
DDT: If you could travel back in time, what would be the 3 biggest things you would do differently in your young entrepreneurial career?
Kai: I think three years from now I will have an answer for this question. I am still at the beginning stages of launching my yoga business and feel like I am still learning!
DDT: At times life throws challenges at you to test your mental toughness and heart as a person. What has been your biggest challenge in life and how did you overcome it?
Kai: Overcoming depression. It has always been the hardest thing for me to not fall back into, to continue to self-motivate and stay confident. Yoga 100% cured me of my anxieties and depression by showing me how to breathe properly and strengthen my resolve from the inside and out. But with anything (even like medication) it is something I continue to use to help me. I didn’t do yoga a few times to feel better then quit. I want people to understand it is a lifelong discipline but the results are fascinating. I look younger, feel vibrant; I experience deeply profound meditations and have a much better understanding of my mind body and spirit connection.
DDT: If your company was gone, website was erased, your clients left you, and all your content was deleted… you have a piece of paper in front of you and it was the final moment and you had to write 3 truth’s you knew were to be true and this was your final message to the world, what would those 3 truths be?
Kai: Love a little harder, breathe a little deeper, and give a little more. My purpose in this world is to help guide people towards their own spiritual freedom. I have done that sonically through music as well coaching and inspiring others to do yoga.
Fun Time!
DDT: We hear you are pretty good at basketball…where did this all start?
Kai: I was a basketball player my whole life. It started when I was ten years old and I wanted to play college basketball. I was a high school McDonalds All- American nominee and went to play Division I basketball at the University of New Mexico.
DDT: Your favorite music/song to do Yoga with is_______________?
Kai: I wrote a song called “Dolphins” that I play a lot during yoga. It’s very soothing.
DDT: What does your morning ritual consist of?
Kai: I wake up, make a cup of tea, walk over to my home shrine (where I have a Buddha and light candles). I do at least 10 minutes of yoga stretching breathing and additional ten minutes of meditation. Only after I’ve completed that do I look at my phone and emails.
DDT: If you were stranded on an island and could only live off 3 foods, those 3 foods would be?
Kai: I have such a sweet tooth. I can’t lie; it would be chocolate chocolate and more chocolate. It’s the only food I ever want to eat!
DDT: The most amazing vacation you’ve taken was to______?
Kai: Teaching yoga in Antigua.
DDT: What does Kai like to do for fun? Please don’t hold back on us 😉
Kai: I go to the planetarium. I find great solace in gazing at the stars while trying to understand the physics of our universe. I love playing the piano and I’m learning the flute. I love kickboxing and above all reading! During the weekends I enjoy day time adventures to beautiful gardens or parks…anywhere in nature and I love the beach.
DDT: Where can our readers and supporters follow you and your work?
Kai: For everything about me my twitter is best: @mykai
For yoga my IG is: spiritualitgirl and my website is www.kai.yoga
YouTube: welcometokailand
Celebrity yoga teacher and Recording artist Kai has a unique ability to guide people toward inner peace and deep levels of consciousness. Kai is a 500 hr certified yoga teacher and public speaker.
“Helping others live healthier, fuller and more meaningful lives is a dream come true. I’m proud to have collaborated with some of the most talented artists, celebrities and forward thinking companies who recognize the importance of mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
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