How to Make More Money with Personal Training

How to Make More Money with Personal Training

4 Ways to Make This Happen Today!


“I’m probably just going to get more private clients and hustle harder to make more money!”

The voice from our Fit Pro attendee at our 3X your Personal Trainer Workshop was frustrated and tired.

“What will you do when you take on more in person clients, work more hours in the gym, come home exhausted, and find out you wont be able to sustain this business model or life much longer?” we replied.

Students defeated tone of voice “I have no idea guys, that’s why I’m here at the workshop because I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted from training clients 60 hours per week and I cant keep doing this anymore.”

He finally broke down.

“This is the start of you making more money with personal training, creating massive impact & influence, and creating more independence for yourself!” We said.

Now more than ever is the time to Rise as a Fit Pro!

You are probably questioning that and saying, “you guys are crazy.”

We get it, there’s a lot of uncertainty right now, your questioning should I stay in the fitness industry.

Why did I get that certification?

I should have gone online sooner!

I don’t even know where to even begin now.

This is something we heard a lot of from our Fit Pro students in our programs when this all happened until we put them at ease with an amazing game plan and system.

But after 12 plus weeks of being quarantined, you need to make a decision on whether you want to still be a fitness professional and serve or move on from the industry for good.

Because you the fit pro are facing a new landscape going forward and it’s time to ADAPT!

It’s time to Accept that things are changing, we are facing a recession, and you need to have an online training program for your fitness business.

It’s time to Deliver value to your clients. Give them what they need right now and that’s having an online training option for them to do at their homes, while traveling, working from home, increase convenience, etc.

It’s time to Adapt to this change and new landscape the personal training community is facing.

And now, more than ever, it’s time for you, the PT, Personal Trainer, to rise up, be the leader, and serve your clients and community through this recession while also building a recession proof business in case of another one.

If you are with us, continue reading and we will talk about our 4 ways that we talk about in our new book “Rise of The Fit Pros” that you can apply to make more money with personal training:



4 Ways to Make More Money in Personal Training


  1. Create More Income: In our book we breakdown step by step on how you the fitness professional can make more income by creating a Hybrid Training Model in your fitness coaching business.

A Hybrid Training Model is both In-Person and Online Personal Training Businesses combined. Here are some of the benefits of doing this:

  • You automatically have two revenue streams (Mo Money Mo Money!)
  • You can work remotely with your online clients
  • You can work in person with your clients and have that face to face communication which is awesome!
  • You can set your own prices within each coaching business
  • You can stack your offers and use value ladders
  • You can set your own hours with in-person clients
  • You can take on as many clients as you want
  • You can do group training
  • You can port over your in-person clients to your online coaching later down the road

In our book “Rise of The Fit Pros” we teach you all of our step by step methods on how to setup this Hybrid Model up and more.


  1. Create More Impact: As a fitness professional you got into this game to Impact lives. You are here to serve others to help them get out of pain and provide hope. Everything we mentioned above in Creating More Income carries over to creating more impact.

Especially when you take your business online to reach more people, help them get out of pain, serve them, and change their lives. Just imagine how that would feel and what kind of a legacy you would leave by helping people all around the world. All of these frameworks are taught in our book “Rise of The Fit Pros.”


  1. Create More Influence: Part of being a bad ass Fitness Professional is leveling up your game from being a Generalist fit pro to an Authority/Celebrity status fit pro. This is also known as positioning. So that you can be perceived as the expert within your niche.

People want to work with influential people. Why? Because if you have more influence your energy is magnetic and at the end of the day, they are buying you as the coach, not coaching. Thus this will lead to you making more money in personal training.


  1. Create More Independence: Every fitness professional wants more time freedom. Let’s not beat around the bush with this one. The ability to have your business be remote, automated, generate leads, create more income, and help more people is a thing of beauty.

Aren’t you tired of going back and forth to the gym? Working 60 plus hours and working random hours? Aren’t you tired of your boss telling you what to do and meeting monthly quotas with selling PT packages?

Independence is what you deserve and can earn as a fitness professional. We have done it and we helped over 300 fit pros do the same! In our new book “Rise of The Fit Pros” we breakdown how to achieve this step by step HERE



Even though there is a lot of uncertainty. The landscape is changing in the fitness industry. The deck of cards has been reshuffled because let’s face it, the fitness industry was broken…its time to ADAPT and embrace change.

Always remember how much of a bad ass you are! Always add more value and become more valuable!

You are changing peoples lives by giving them hope and confidence and you are utilizing your own unique gifts and talents.

We will leave you with this acronym we teach to our Fit Pros and we want you to have this in the back of your head at all times or even put it on your fridge:


Always take extreme ownership of being a leader, fitness professional, and what services/products you put out to your clients and the market. If you fail, mess up, don’t get clients results take ownership of it and get better as a fit pro going forward.

Always create the best experience for your clients and put customer service at the forefront. Create a strong reputable brand and service as a fit pro.

Serve to the highest level possible and get your clients out of pain and change their lives.

Now is the time to Rise as a Fit Pro!

Are you with us?


If you want to grab a copy of our new book “Rise of The Fit Pros: Create More Income, Impact, Influence, & Independence” and get some Free Bonus Gifts to take action visit HERE

Here’s what’s in it for you with our newest book “Rise of the Fit Pros:”

  • 101 different ways to make more income using the Hybrid Training Model
  • The power of your story, why, and vision to separate you from average fit pros and become a Dynamic Fit Pro
  • How to Identify Your Avatar, Niche, Specialty, and Unique Selling Proposition so you can create more impact and influence as a fit pro
  • Why you need to be a fitness marketer first, learn to not be afraid to sell, and re-frame your mindset to serve and transform lives
  • Consider implementing our PALMS method that has helped 100’s of our private Dynamic Fit Pro Students
  • How you the fit pro can make an extra $1-2,000 a month using the concepts, frameworks, and practical applications form this book