Having an online fitness business is something that a lot of personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts dream about.
The reasons being:
- you can travel anywhere
- set your own schedule
- create your own offers and packages
- reach more people
- create your own community
The list is endless with having an online fitness business.
But, we see a lot of online fitness coaches making the big mistake of not constantly adapting and innovating.
Or they throw in the towel once they hit a road block or some form of adversity.
They then wonder why they get left behind or they can’t scale their business and reach more people.
Trust us when we say we were in that same position when we first started our online fitness coaching business.
We felt lost on an island, no direction, confused, limiting beliefs, and had tons of fear.
Be honest…Does this sound familiar?
The worst thing you can do is be in denial about your current situation or let your ego get in the way.
If we would have understood the importance of adapting and innovating we could have saved ourselves a lot of time, heartache, and money.
It wasn’t until we hired various fitness coaches to see what they were doing such as coaching philosophies, systems, and customer service to learn from them and even better see the things they were doing wrong so we could add those to our services.
We then went onto invest in high level business mastermind groups, seminars, and hired coaches to help us learn marketing, advertising, personal branding, sales, positioning, and most importantly expand our mindset as entrepreneurs.
Was this an investment?
Yes, it was, and it was worth every penny and maybe the return of investment wasn’t there right away, but we knew in our hearts it would come one day once we put everything together and got an opportunity to coach a handful of clients.
Another problem today with online fitness coaches is the lack of patience. Everyone wants instant oatmeal, but, you have to let that baby cook for a while.
Something we always tell our business students is play the long game when building your business. Enjoy the journey because we promise you there is no “end destination” as an entrepreneur or business owner.
Lucky for you, you can easily avoid all of these same mistakes we did and get ahead of the game and constantly evolve as a practitioner, business owner, and personal brand, and most importantly do what you love and have a passion for each and every day.
We have 4 tactics for you to avoid making the same mistakes we did in the past.
The 4 tactics consist of the acronym SWOT.
SWOT stands for:
S- Strengths
W- Weakness’s
O- Opportunities
T- Threats
SWOT is a great business strategy to do every quarter, every six months, or once per year.
It keeps you fresh with your ideas, innovative, and constantly adapting.
Let’s go more in depth on each one so you get a better understanding:
Strengths: What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing daily? What can you see yourself doing more of? What are your unique gifts, skills, and talents?
Action Step: Take 60 minutes to really dig deep and think about the above questions. Once you know, write them out and put them somewhere visual and most importantly double down on your strengths.
Weakness: What do you hate doing? What are you not good at? Rate certain tasks you do in your business from 1-10 and if they are under a 5, that is problem and you need to delegate that to someone else.
Action Step: Take 60 minutes to really dig deep and think about the above questions. Once you know, write them out and put them somewhere visual and most importantly eliminate your weakness’s or work on them if you absolutely want to learn or perfect those skills.
Opportunities: How will you innovate? Where do you see the puck going? Are your surroundings contaminating your vision or contributing to it? Are you staying sharp with everything that is going on such as researching your competitors, delivering valuable content to get people to know, like, and trust you?
Action Step: Make a power list to keep track of your network and who you are meeting so you can reach out to them and ask if you can help them in anyway, think of the law of reciprocity. Make a vision board so it motivates you to stay sharp and stick to what you want you want to accomplish.
Threats: Study your competition from time to time, but don’t spend too much time doing this and most importantly don’t ever compare yourself to them because it will cause you to waste time and not move the needle forward in your own business.
Action Step: Every month or so research your competitors to get ideas and keep track of it. Create an alliance around you, don’t let others become allies. The best thing you can do is offer how you can help others and we promise people will appreciate it and help you later down the road.
The bottom line is…
you need to know your strengths in your business and double down on them.
You need to identify your weaknesses and try and improve them over time.
You need to spot your opportunities, so you can capitalize on trends or advantages.
And finally, you need to know your threats, study your competition from time to time, but just don’t spend too much time doing this.
Now that you know what SWOT’s all about, try implementing it to improve your online fitness business. And as we said above don’t be afraid to invest in other mentors or coaches to learn from them and most importantly expedite the learning curve. Always, always play the long game with your business.
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