How Army Member Maria Shedded 20 pounds of body fat and Gained more Muscle & Strength in 22 weeks

Today is another amazing fitness transformation and celebration by our friend and DDT member, Maria Lewis.   Maria came to us not having much knowledge and guidance in the world of fitness which ultimately lead her to not be confident in her own skin and see the true potential she had as a person.  
  • She had some common problems she was facing in her fitness journey such as:
  • Inconsistency overall with training and nutrition
  • She never followed a sound training and nutrition program tailored to her goals, lifestyle, preferences, etc.
  She thought she always ate healthy (fruits, veggies, plenty of water, etc)   Once we put Maria on a training and nutrition program around her goals, lifestyle, personal preferences, individual metabolic variances, etc. She got into a “State of Flow” and couldn’t be stopped!   She lost body fat, gained muscle mass, strength, her confidence increased, she learned a ton about foods, calories, macros, portion control, flexibility within a diet, a proper training program that was feasible for her schedule being active as an Army Member, a training program that was flexible and enjoyable, etc.   Most importantly Maria has now acquired a growth mindset and is more motivated than ever to push herself to become the best version of herself and reach all of her goals.   We couldn’t be prouder to have coached Maria and be apart of her fitness journey!   She now has some invaluable tools and knowledge within fitness that will keep her in the best shape of her life and want to strive for more   -Chris and Eric   See what Maria has to say about her journey and working with us:
*Start weight: 141 pounds
*End weight: 121 pounds
* Fitness Journey Length: 22 weeks
* Lost 20 pounds and 5 inches off her waist and hips