How Alex Gained Mental Toughness within Her Fitness Journey


Alex Talks About Her Fitness Journey

Today is another amazing fitness journey celebration by my friend and DDT member, Alex Willett.

Alex first wanted to do a bikini show when she came to me and we had a set game plan for her.

But as in life, not everything goes accordingly to plan, same within your fitness journey.

Sometimes we set out goals and have great game plans behind them, but some times life and our bodies throw curve balls at us.

I try and teach my members to re frame their mindsets when this happens and to look at it as a learning lesson.

That’s exactly what Alex did, and she learned the following:

  • She gained a ton of knowledge within training and nutrition so she can be better educated the next time she is ready to diet
  • She realized she didn’t have to sacrifice her health and mind just to step on the stage if the timing wasn’t right
  • She found out what a good coach is really all about and now knows what it takes when seeking a fitness coach to help her attain her goals
  • She now has a set of tools within her fitness journey along with the mental toughness to be able to tackle adversity when it arises

I’m super proud of Alex and it was a true privilege being a part of her fitness journey and adding value to her life 🙂

-Coach Chris 


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