Dynamic Protein Bar Dessert


Attention all you sweet toother’s! Ever wonder how you can take a protein bar and ice cream and make it into a healthy dessert or even a meal? Well you stopped at the right place to get your sweet tooth cured. We present to you the Dynamic Protein Bar Dessert that is loaded with healthy ingredients! Give this recipe a try or tweak it to your macro’s, goals, etc. Enjoy!


Quest protein bar- Apple pie flavor

½ scoop of vanilla whey protein

Low fat Vanilla Ice cream (Stony Field Brand)

1 tablespoon almond butter

1 Stevia or splenda packet



Macronutrient numbers:

Protein- 40g      Carbs- 49g     Fat- 14g    Fiber- 20g


How to prepare it:

Watch the video and enjoy!




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