Dynamic Lean Ground Beef


All you meat lovers out there, this is definitely going to be your go to recipe! This recipe is so versatile that you can make pretty much anything along with it; “Dynamic Lean Ground Beef” will leave your tummy satisfied. This rich and lean quality protein and superb source of fat will be a game changer in your daily nutrition. I know there are many negative stories about ground beef, keep in mind if it’s very lean or gras fed than it is very good for your health. Please check out the recipe and video for more info on this.


100% Grass fed beef or 8-10% lean ground beef

Seasonings: Oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, garlic salt, garlic pepper

Sauces: El pato sauces, Tapatio, sirachi

Diced onions, tomatoes, and zucchini


How to prepare it:

Watch the video and enjoy!



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