Dynamic Bicep Cluster Sets

“ Train Loco” Issue# 8


What’s up Train Loco-er’s and Loca-er’s! Thanks for taking the time to read the 8th Train Loco Issue and be sure to check out Issue 7 here. Also, if you would like to receive future Train Loco issues, click here.

Alright are you ready to step out of the squat rack while doing curls? On a serious note, are you ready to step up your bicep game and learn a new technique to grow some dangerous guns? Well, today we have a Dynamic Bicep Cluster Curls protocol that we have been experimenting with for a while now and we’re ready to present it to you.

Before we give you the protocol, be sure to follow our recommendations for this:

  • Use a preacher curl machine that has 3 weight setting spots
  • Put your ego aside with the weight and use 55% of your 8 rep max
  • Be sure to perform good full ROM reps
  • Don’t perform this every week
  • Follow the exact protocol we have, there’s no need to do more
  • Don’t go off and do 12 more sets of bicep work before or after this protocol


Cluster Mini Set Number Reps
1 Put on #1 8-10 reps
Put on #2 8-10 reps
Put on #3 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
2 Put on #2 8-10 reps
Put on #3 8-10 reps
Put on #1 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
3 Put on #3 8-10 reps
Put on #1 8-10 reps
Put on #2 8-10 reps


See video for an example


“Train Loco”


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