How’s it going ladies and gents! Today I’m excited to share my client Kadier Gonzalez’s fitness journey. Kadier first came to me with the goal of losing precisely 15-20 lbs. He also informed me that he had a big snacking habit. So we set out to do a 16-20 week cutting phase, focused on meal spacing so he didn’t feel like snacking, designed a properly periodized training and cardio protocol, and we gave him his macronutrient targets to hit each day.
He started at 195 lbs and ended up at 175 lbs, 20 lbs down in 16 weeks, a rate of 1.25 lbs per week. The slow weight loss rate, properly periodized training protocol, and minimal cardio allowed him to still keep his strength and muscle mass.
As you can see in the pics, he looks like he has more muscle mass now. He has been an awesome client since day 1 and I had the pleasure of working with him and helping him reach his exact goal in 16 weeks. We are now reverse dieting and adding on lean muscle mass.
See what Kadier has to say about his 16 week journey.
-Coach Chris
I knew hiring Dynamic Duo to take charge of my diet and training would change my life. I was referred by my girlfriend Vanessa who only after a few short weeks of working with Chris Martinez had not only started changing her body but also her attitude. I had dieted plenty of times before and had been an active weight lifter for some time but never achieved the results I wanted. I outlined my goals and started my journey with Chris in which we quickly uncovered that I had a problem with snacking… A LOT. Even with more mishaps then I would like to admit Chris never made me feel like a failure. The amount of resources and communication between Chris and I helped clear up any confusion or worries that would come my way. The training program was great, offering different options for exercises, never made me feel like I was stuck doing the same old training template over and over. Having Chris teach me about the importance of having compliance on your diet, in fact the first month no changes were made to my macros but I was still losing weight just to sticking to the same macros. It showed me that consistency is the real key to achieve any kind of physique success. The best thing about Chris is that he cares about you as an individual and is supportive in whatever your goals will be, even if you change them up on him in the middle of your program which happened to me. I had successfully went from 195 lbs to 175lbs in 4 months and although our original goal was to hit 165 lbs I discovered leanness wasn’t on the top of priorities anymore and I was looking to gain size. Chris immediately took my feelings into consideration and quickly began the reverse dieting program. So goals changed but Chris’s attentiveness remained the same. Because of my experience with Dynamic Duo Training I was able to uncover what hinders me from progress, the tools to manage myself , and on top of that I am on the way to having the physique I desire. -Kadier Gonzalez
If you would like to start your fitness journey, contact us HERE for your FREE consultation.