Consistency and Flexibility Leads To Huge Transformation







How’s it going ladies and gents! Today I am extremely excited to share my client and friend Kelsey’s 16 week dieting phase using flexible nutrition and a realistic, enjoyable, and flexible training program!

Before Kelsey started with me, she was consuming very low calories, doing daily fasted cardio, and her training program consisted of nothing but high reps. Kelsey’s entire program was rigid and had no real strategic thought or plan for her to succeed. I knew once after having a phone consultation with Kelsey I would put together a game plan for her and she would reach all of her goals and then some.


Week 1-

139 lbs.

1,600 calories

Waist circumference 26.5 inches

unnamed unnamed (1)


Week 16-

127 lbs.

1,270 calories

Waist circumference 24 inches

unnamed (2) k2


The moral of Kelsey’s story is she lost a significant amount of body fat, gained some serious lean body mass, and never had to deprive herself from foods she enjoyed.  She accomplished her goals without making her life miserable.

The bright side is now she is properly reverse dieting. Feeling stronger, more energetic, eating more, having better relationships with food, building muscle mass, enjoying life, and doing things the right way so that when it comes time to diet again she won’t have to diet as long and as hard.

We’re extremely proud of Kelsey and it’s been an honor coaching her and being a part of her journey. She has such a bright future in this industry and we look forward to being a part of that.

See what Kelsey has to say about her 16 week dieting phase …


In January 2014 I decided that enough was enough. I was unhappy with how I looked, how my clothes fit and how I felt about myself. I decided it was time to stop with the excuses and make a real change. I first started out with a “bro science” program; doing hours of cardio a day, eating tilapia and broccoli, and when I asked questions, being told to “trust the process,” rather than being provided with an evidence-based rationale for my actions. I was getting results, but I hated the lifestyle. I started binging and skipping cardio and I realized I could never maintain that lifestyle in the long run.

Then, In April 2014, I started looking into IIFYM after hearing about it on Instagram. I decided to do some research and found Dynamic Duo Training. From my first day emailing and talking to them on the phone, I knew they were the right team for me. Over the past several months they have provided me with a customized, clear plan to achieve my specific goals (complete with regular adjustments), answered every question I’ve thrown their way with science-based reasoning, and have treated me like a unique individual, not a cookie-cutter client.

In my four months with Team DDT, I have lost 15 lbs. and 2.5 inches off my waist. But what is even more important is what I’ve gained – happiness, freedom, knowledge, a healthy relationship with food, a love for the fit lifestyle, and best of all, a whole DDT family of supporters, headed by Chris &and Eric. I am ready for the next chapter of my fitness journey and I wouldn’t be advised through it by anyone other than Team DDT; they truly are the best!!



If You Would Like To Learn More About Our Services and How We Can Design You a Individualized Training Program Along With a Flexible Nutrition Program Around Your Goals, Schedule, Preferences, Etc. Please Visit Us HERE Or Contact Us HERE For a FREE Phone Consultation.