Weeks of April 30- May 28
WHAT’S UP LADIES AND GENTS! We have a great line up this month that includes 27 LOCO good articles, videos, and podcasts to get your education on.
If you like these LOCO reads then please help us out by sharing them on social media.
Train hard, eat world class, and be relentless!
P.S. Just don’t be like those dudes texting in-between sets 😉
John Meadows and Jacob Wilson Talk Keto Diets, Intra Se Stretching, Fat Loss, Muscle Growth & More
Does Using a Faster Repetition Speed Increase Strength Gains by Chris Beardsley
The B & B Connection-Functional Training by Brad Schoenfeld and Bret Contreras
Bigger, Better Glutes by Bret Contreras
2 Common Strength Programming Errors by Jordan Syatt
Force Absorption vs Force Production by Mike Robertson
9 Counterintuitive Tips o Help You Stay Lean While Eating at Restaurants by Armi Legge
Why Does One Feel Tight by Eric Cressey
HMB, Facts vs Fiction by Will Brink
Partial vs Full Reps…Or Both? By Menno Henselmans via BretContreras.com
How to Make Cardio Suck Less by Andrea Valdez
5 Strength Training Benefits for Women by Nia Shanks
HIIT vs LISS- A Better Way to Lose Fat by Jose Antonio
Protein Metabolism Discussion with John Meadows and Stuart Phillips
The Truth About Nutrient Timing by Adam Bornstein
The Paleo Diet: Claims vs Evidence by Alan Aragon
Protein: Is It Really As Bad As They Say It Is? By Dylan Klein
How to Choose Foods with the Highest Thermic Potential by Joe Klemczewski
5 Reasons You Are Not Lean (er) by David Martin
Is Time Under Tension Important? By Eric Helms 3DMJ
In-Season Training for Baseball Pitchers by Tony Gentilcore
Happiness As a State of Being by Layne Norton
The Status Update Solution by Jon Goodman
Are You Relevant by Todd Durkin
Are Cheat Reps Beneficial? By The Strength Guys
Ketogenic Diet For Cancer with Dominic D’Agostino
Nutrition, Science, Metabolic Adaptation, Metabolic Flexibility and more with Laurent Bannock