25 “LOCO” Good Articles and Videos



Week of Jan 13-Jan 27

WUZZ UPPER ladies and gents! You see the 49er Super Bowl victories above and know that we’re on a quest for our 6th ring and are going to get it! But, besides the big super bowl game, we have 25 CRAZY Good Articles and Videos from the past 2 weeks that you may have missed out on and can read before Super Bowl Sunday! Have a great upcoming week!

  1. Grab, Sit, Repeat: The Simple Power of The Goblet Squat by Sohee Lee 
  2. The Most Effective Way to Build Muscle by Dan Ogborn & JC Deen 
  3. 3 Steps to Getting Your Girl to Train by Joy Victoria
  4. Step Ups: A Better Way that Eliminates Cheating by Nick Tumminello 
  5. Exercise Research Quickie: HIIT vs Steady State by Professor Andro 
  6. Hacking The New Exercise Learning Curve by Jon Goodman 
  7. Coaching and Cueing Tips: Knees out During Squats by Bret Contreras 
  8. Coaching the DB Pullover by Eric Cressey 
  9. 5 Simple Ways to Make Your Workouts More Effective by Tony Gentilcore 
  10. Not Your Average B.S Core Training by Ben Bruno 
  11. Discourse on Haters by Ryan Doris
  12.  A New and Better Butt? Why Not a Stronger Butt? By Emily Giza Socolinsky 
  13. Which Styles of Aerobic Training Interfere With Strength Training by Jacob Wilson 
  14. Do Yourself a Favor…Stop Eating Out During Contest Prep by Alberto Nunez 
  15. Glute Off! 
  16. Burning Fat, Exercise, Depression, and Cultivating Mass with Brad Shoenfeld 
  17. Stoking the Metabolic Fire: Does Higher Meal Frequency Increase Metabolism and Enhance Fat Loss by Dylan Klein 
  18. Can Kettlebells Help Develop Power for Sprinting by Chris Beardsley 
  19. 5 Keys to Successful Strength Training by Mike Robertson 
  20. How to Start a Career from College and Beyond by Marc Lobliner 
  21. How Much Muscle Can You Really Gain Naturally? By Will Brink
  22. 6 Characteristics of a Good Dynamic Warmup by Eric Cressey 
  23. Does Fiber Count In Calories by Mike Roussell
  24. Pumping Iron (Full Movie) 
  25. Do Girls Like Hairy Legs?


That’s it folks! Have a great week and Train Loco!


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