25 "LOCO" Good Articles and Videos

8 min abs


Weeks of April 14- April 27

WHAT’S UP LOCO aka CRAZY READERS! We love how you come back with a thirst for knowledge. Alright, down to business, we have  25 CRAZY good articles and videos from the past month for you to catch up on this week. Have a great week, Train Loco, and get them 8 min abs in 😉 

Fighting the Demons Within: I May Bend, But I Won’t Break by Sohee Lee

Brink Zone Radio: HIIT, Overrated or Optimal form with Will Brink and Abbie Smith-Ryan

Best Dang Exercises to Build a Better Body and Be Awesome by Nia Shanks

16 Peak Productivity Practices of Top Performers by Todd Durkin

The College Student’s Guide to Grocery Shopping by Jordan Syatt

Detoxification is BS

Call it Whatever You Want Paleo Nutrition is Good Nutrition by Jesse Howland

4 Steps to Turning the Titanic Around by Tim Arndt

Flatten Your Belly with a Side of Fries by Lou Schuler

3 S’s for Stronger Knees by Mike Robertson

Exercise of the Week- Barbell Overhead Shrugs by Eric Cressey

Creatine 101 (part 1) by David Martin

4 Things I’ve Stole from CrossFit by Dan Trink

Deadstop Training Revisited by Lee Boyce

The Anti-Oxidant Paradox and It’s Implications for Interpreting Research by Brad Shoenfeld

Why Women Should Not Run by DH Kiefer

Introducing the Human Effect Matrix Via Examine.com

How Yoga Can Compliment Weight Training by Bret Contreras

Adjusting Macronutrients to Propel Fat Loss by Alberto Nunez

Is Faster Always Better? By Chad Waterbury

Look Good Naked Podcast with Brad Schoenfeld and SuperHuman Radio

How To Do Sumo Deadlifts by Bret Contreras

The Dirt on Clean Eating by Alan Aragon  

Top 5 Best Fish Oil Supplements by Mike Roussell

2 Big Mistakes by Tony Gentilcore  

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