During this Free Online Training you Will Learn:
What’s most important when it comes to training
How 5 other women created a sexy, strong and sculpted physique using these exact training secrets
How to avoid some of the common training pitfalls people face when starting their fitness journeys
Plus much more…
Chris and Eric Martinez- Training, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Coaches!
Chris and Eric believe in using safe, ethical, science based, and health first approaches. They pride themselves in putting customer service at the forefront, whether it is getting back to emails in a timely manner, hopping on skype or the phone for a call, and building a great client-coach relationship.
They share a similar goal and interest with you in attaining a great physique and having a long-term sustainable lifestyle that entails balance, normalcy, and fun within nutrition and exercise. Chris and Eric want to help you build nutrition habits and skills so that you could venture off on your own and teach your significant other, kids, and family. They want you to learn the basics of training methodology and programming to eventually program a sound training program for yourselves so you can keep progressing.
Katie Anne- Athlete and Coach
Katie Anne Rutherford is a natural figure pro and an elite powerlifter who is passionate about health and fitness. She is a coach who believes that the best program is one that each individual enjoys and can maintain for the long run. Healthy living should encompass fitness as well as nutrition and complement each person’s life. It is important to establish basic nutrition and training knowledge to be able to carry into future years and help each individual have life-long health and vitality.